Breaking Barriers | Felicia Davis {S8 E9}
We know this is a difficult time for our world, but be comforted sisters! God wants to meet you and draw you close today, wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Lean into Him for strength, and keep standing upon His Word. If you are feeling challenged when reaching for your Bible during this unique time, this season of the podcast is a great resource for you. Season 8 is all about the barriers we encounter when approaching God’s Word, and our guests share different ways God has taught them and helped them work to overcome those barriers!
On today’s episode, Bethany sits down with Felicia Davis, a vibrant working mom who has a burning heart for the Lord. Felicia not only shares the difficulties she faces in this season of her life, but also the desire she has to fight for her time with the Lord. We pray this conversation would richly bless you during this uncertain time and encourage you to confront your own barriers to finding joy in God’s Word.
““There are no shortcuts when it comes to really sitting at His feet and really getting to know the heart and character of God.””
Felicia wants to live in a world where we all see one other made in the image and likeness of God. When we view others with this perspective, it is easier to give grace instead of judgement. When she’s not working, you can find her spending time with her family, exercising at the gym, or watching sports. Her favorite scripture is Isaiah 26:3 (ERV): “God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you.”
She desires for women to steward their spheres of influence well. She believes we don’t need a microphone in hand or a visible platform to have an influence-- our families and communities are our biggest mission field, and God has us right where we are supposed to be.
On this episode, Bethany and Felicia refer to the following references and resources:
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2:20 Meet Felicia
3:45 What are the barriers you are currently experiencing as you approach God’s Word?
4:50 What are some ways that you’ve been able to fight the illusion that “we can have it all”?
11:45 How has God worked to help you overcome those barriers?
14:10 What encouragement do you have for those who approach scripture with difficulties because of human relationships?
16:00 Do you have any scripture that has helped you overcome your barriers?
*Reference Disclaimer: All references made by podcast guests are of their own accord. The inclusion of references and resources by guests on the podcast does not equate to an endorsement of those resources from Dayton Women in the Word.